On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Larry Wall wrote:

On Thu, Jul 07, 2005 at 09:28:04PM -0400, Michal Wallace wrote:
: What I'd want is to be able to download the language
: specific extensions as a library from cpan. Better
: yet if users can do it themselves without having
: to bug me.


: Sure, I'd probably install as much as I could, but
: there's always someone who wants the version you're
: not running. :)

My new language has several additional instruction:


Cool! It's still not as dangerous as letting users run PHP. :)

Dangerous or runaway user programs are just part of what you have to deal with when running a hosting company. You set up scripts and monitors to catch
most of the problems, and if something slips through
the cracks, you address it. That's how I do things
anyway, and it seems to keep my customers happy. :)

In any case, my understanding is that right now parrot requires all the dynclasses to be built
as part of the parrot source tree, so they might
as well not by dynamic after all. At some point
that's supposed to change, so we'd be able to
bundle each set of PMC's separately anyway.

I also really like Dan's idea about using the built-in
pmc's as the base for other languages. I'll see what I can do about python. A year and a half ago, I read the specs and didn't think this would be possible... but maybe things have changed enough that we can do it now.

- Michal

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