On Jan 10, 2006, at 10:29 PM, Chip Salzenberg wrote:

On Sat, Jan 07, 2006 at 01:04:29PM -1000, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
...  More sophisticated behavior, like metadata replication, should
be left to another method (perhaps syscopy()) that has platform specific

My first thought was that if you're not going to copy any metadata at
all, then you're not looking at an OS method.  But then then I
remembered that some operating systems might actually have
high-efficiency fast tricks for copying (e.g. the way Linux is going
with its splice() system call proposals).  So OS is fine.

However, instead of shying away from the metadata problem, we should
embrace it.  Define copying with metadata as a standard feature with a
standard interface.  Something like:

   metacopy($src, $dest,
            owner => 0,     # optional to copy
            mtime => 1,     # mandatory to copy
            atime => undef, # forbidden to copy

I suggest using -1 to mean forbidden, and any false value to mean optional.

This provides a portable way of expressing what you need and want.
If the current operating system can't accomodate you, you'll get a
failure or exception (not making any assumptions on that point).

Hm.  If you say 'contents => undef', you might get a copying of
metadata _only_.  Neat.

This reminds me of something that's been bothering me for a long time. Since before System 7 (approaching two decades ago), Mac OS has had a system call that exchanges the contents of two files. The purpose of this call is to implement a 'safe save' strategy: When the user saves a document, you create a temp file, write the new contents to it, exchange with the existing file, and delete the temp file (which now has the old contents). This is obviously better than just overwriting the original file, since there's no risk of crashing or running out of disk space leaving a truncated file. It's also better than using rename(), because in the end it's the same file -- except for the modification date, the metadata are preserved, including the file ID number (read: inode) -- with different contents. If you rename() instead of exchange/delete, you have a new file, and you have to set all the metadata yourself, and you may not have the necessary knowledge to do that. I suppose you could backup the original file and then overwrite it, but you lose atomicity.

What bothers me is that I haven't seen exchange-files anywhere else. Then again, Mac OS doesn't have move-and-rename-simultaneously, so nobody's perfect.


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