On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 04:51:38PM -0700, Allison Randal wrote:
> Chip did a fantastic job on the Exceptions PDD.  With a few refinements,
> I'm pronouncing it "ready to implement".

<montgomery-burns> Excellent. </montgomery-burns>

Mad properties to Allison for creating the first draft (updating is so much
easier than starting from scratch!) and to Bob Rogers for explaining to me
the Common Lisp perspective on EH.  Most languages have something worth
learning from, and I like CL's EH.  Now if it only had continuations....  }:-)

BTW, for those of you keeping score at home, refining namespaces will come
before exception implementaiton.  Exceptions are important, but if you can't
even find your variables, you're pretty much up the creek.
Chip Salzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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