Paul Cochrane schrieb:
Hi all,

I was having a poke around in DEPRECATED.pod and I've got a couple of
questions about the items therein:

.imc file extension paragraph:

There aren't any .imc files in parrot anymore as far as I can tell.
So, should this paragraph be in DEPRECATED.pod anymore?  If not, I can
supply a patch removing it.  From looking at the parrot-porters thread
associated with the paragraph, there might still be some outstanding
issues, with this change.  Is this still the case?
AFAIK all '*.imc' have been renamed.
Deprecated opcodes paragraph:

To remove the deprecated C<fetchmethod> opcode does one simply remove
the references to it in src/ops/object.ops (and other .ops files), and
remove the function from src/ops/ops.num?  Does one then move all of
the ops numbers "up" so that there isn't a gap caused by removing the
opcodes?  Is this relabelling of the opcode numbers going to break
anything else?  If not, should I go through and remove references to
C<fetchmethod> and fix up ops.num and patch?
I think you mostly got it.
For the renumbering of  src/ops/ops.num you can use
  make -f tools/dev/ops_renum.mak
Also see the notes in PBC_COMPAT.

CU, Bernhard

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