On Thu Nov 30 19:25:49 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Thu Nov 30 18:34:48 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I fixed the problem with GetOptions() -- but there are additional
> problems that will take time to
> diagnose.  So my patches are not yet ready for prime time.
I'm attaching a file, mypmc2c.pl, that fixes the problems I had with 
GetOptions() in my recent 
patch submission for tools/build/pmc2c.pl.

BUT ... today it began to dawn on me that I have seriously misunderstood some 
of the 
problems we face in testing Parrot's build tools and other parts of the 

In retrospect, I'm not surprised that problems with GetOptions() would cause my 
version of 
pmc2c.pl to fail.  As I explained in an earlier post, my objective was to take 
as much of the 
functionality in the current pmc2c.pl out and place it in a module, 
thereby making that functionality more amenable to testing and coverage 
analysis.  And my 
test suite reflected that.  But the one bit of functionality that I could *not* 
extract from 
pmc2c.pl was the options processing.  And that's where the problem lay.

But not the *only* problem.  After I fixed the options processing, I was still 
having 'make' 
failures with my version of pmc2c.pl.  Worse, most of the seven files in my 
test suite were 
starting to fail as well -- when previously they had been passing with flying 

That was Thursday.  Then last night my tests started to pass again -- even 
though I had 
made no further changes to pmc2c.pl and no significant changes to the tests and 
none at all 
to Parrot::Pmc2c::Utils.  Ever more surprising was that at least once, when I 
edited Makefile to 
substitute 'mypmc2c.pl' for 'pmc2c.pl', 'make' started to succeed.  I excitedly 
asked Coke, 
with whom I was talking on #parrot, to double-check.  I did a 'make clean' to 
start fresh and 
reconfirm the good news -- only to have 'make' once again no longer succeed 
and, worse 
yet, *all* my test files start to fail.

It was at that point that I began to realize that by going through the cycle of 
'make clean', 
'Configure.pl', 'make' and 'make test' interspersed with runs of my test suite, 
I was *changing 
the environment in which my tests were running*.  And the major determinant of 
whether my 
tests and pmc2c.pl would pass or not was the stage in the cycle at which I was 
running the 

>From Nov 11 until last night, I had not rebuilt Parrot on my machine (though I 
>had done 
frequent 'svn update's).  So all during that time my tests for functions such 
as find_file() and 
read_dump() were passing because they were finding files which had been created 
by calling 
'make' on Nov 11.  But once I called 'make clean', many of those files were no 
longer there, 
so the tests of the Utils.pm functions which looked for them necessarily 
failed.  When I called 
Configure.pl and make once again, those files were regenerated and the tests of 
the Utils.pm 
functions which look for them began to pass anew.

This was most startlingly evident at a point where I called 'make clean', then 
called 'prove t/
tools/pmc2cutils/*.t' and *all* my tests began to fail with a message 
indicating that package 
Parrot::PMC could not be located.  It turned out that this was a correct 
failure, because 
Parrot::PMC is *not* included in the svn distribution; it's automatically 
generated by the 
operation of Configure.pl -- which I had not yet called!  Once I called 
Configure.PL, that 
package got created, which meant that Parrot::Pmc2c could 'use' it 
successfully, which in turn 
meant that Parrot::Pmc2c::Utils could load as well.  But many of my tests 
continued to fail, 
and now I understood why:  because I had only called Configure.PL but had not 
yet called 
make, many of the files which my tests were searching for did not yet exist!

In most of the code I've written, either for CPAN or $job(s), I've taken pains 
to make sure that 
any files created during, and solely for, the testing process are not left on 
the user's machine 
after testing and installation.  And most of the test suites I've written make 
no assumptions 
about the presence or absence of files on the user's machine at the onset of 
testing.  A well 
written test suite should give idempotent results.

This approach does not suffice in this case.  The functionality in pmc2c.pl 
(whether in the 
script itself or extracted to a separate package) is strictly dependent on the 
point in the 
'make' process where it is called.  Call the subroutines embodying that 
functionality too early 
(i.e., before calling Configure.pl or before calling make) and you will 
necessarily get failures.  
But call them, in a sense, too late (once you have already successfully called 
make) and you 
get spurious successes, because then you're just finding or re-creating files 
which already 
exist.  The conditions prevailing at different points militate against 
idempotent results.

Tests of Parrot's build tools are not tests of Parrot itself.  Once Parrot's 
make call has 
succeeded, testing the components of the build tools is irrelevant.  Hence, 
including tests of 
the build tools in the suite of tests called by 'make test' is also irrelevant. 
 The build tools can 
only be validly tested in a 'pre-make' environment.  But that raises the 
question:  How far 
'pre-make':  a pre-Configure.pl environment, or a post-Configure.pl, pre-make 
(or some combination of the two)?

Which boils down to a more fundamental question:  What exactly are we trying to 
via testing of Parrot's build tools?

Ladies and gentlemen, the floor is open for discussion.  Thank you for reading 
this far.

#! perl
# Copyright (C) 2001-2006, The Perl Foundation.
# $Id: pmc2c.pl 15160 2006-11-07 14:44:10Z particle $

use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../..";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib";
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
use Parrot::Pmc2c::Utils;

my (%opt, @include);
my %action;

    "include=s"     => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
    "vtable"        => \$action{default},
    "dump"          => \$action{dump},
    "c|gen-c"       => \$action{gen_c},
    "tree"          => \$action{tree},
    "no-body"       => \$opt{nobody},
    "no-lines"      => \$opt{nolines},
    "debug+"        => \$opt{debug},
    "verbose+"      => \$opt{verbose},
    "library=s"     => \$opt{library},
) or exit 1;

if ( 0 == grep { $action{$_} } keys %action ) {
    die "No action specified!\n";

my @args = @ARGV;

my $self = Parrot::Pmc2c::Utils->new( {
    include => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
    opt     => \%opt,
    args    => [EMAIL PROTECTED],
} );

if ( $action{default} ) {
    my $dump_file = $self->dump_default("$FindBin::Bin/../../vtable.tbl");

if ( $action{dump} ) {

if ( $action{tree} ) {
    $self->print_tree( {
        depth   => 0,
    } );

if ( $action{gen_c} ) {

=head1 NAME

tools/build/pmc2c.pl - PMC definition to C compiler


=head2 Options used in Parrot F<Makefile>

Create F<src/pmc/foo.dump>:

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl --dump src/pmc/foo.pmc ...

Create F<vtable.dump>:

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl --vtable

Create F<src/pmc/foo.c> and C<pmc_foo.h> from F<src/pmc/foo.dump>:

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl -c src/pmc/foo.pmc ...

=head2 Other Options

Print a class tree for the specified PMCs:

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl --tree src/pmc/*.pmc

Create fooX.c and pmc_fooX.h from fooX.dump files, also create libfoo.c
containing the initialization function for all fooX PMCs.

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl --library libfoo -c \
           src/pmc/foo1.pmc src/pmc/foo2.pmc ...


The job of the PMC compiler is to take .pmc files and create C files
that can be compiled for use with the Parrot interpreter.


=over 4

=item C<--debug>

Increase debug level

=item C<--verbose>

Increase verbose level

=item C<--no-lines>

Omit source line info

=item C<--no-body>

Emit an empty body in the dump. This may be useful for debugging.

=item C<--include=/path/to/pmc>

Specify include path where to find PMCs.

=item C<--library=libname>

Specify the library name. This will create F<E<lt>libnameE<gt>.c> and
F<pmc_E<lt>libnameE<gt>.h>. The initialization function will be named
after libname and will initialize all PMCs in the library.


=head2 Internals

To see the internal data structures please run:

    % perl tools/build/pmc2c.pl --c --debug --debug sarray.pmc | less

=head2 Compiling PMCs

First, the program determines the names of the .c and .h files from
the basename of the .pmc file (e.g. F<perlint.pmc> -> F<perlint.c> and

Next, the file is searched for C</pmclass \w*/> which attempts to find the
class being declared.

Once the class is found, all of its superclasses are scanned and their
methods added to the methods of the current PMC. PMCs default to
inheriting from 'default'. Only single inheritance is supported.

Once the superclass is determined, it is processed and its method names
are extracted and saved.

Next, each method body is processed with various directives (see below)
getting replaced by their appropriate values.

Finally, the .c and .h files are generated. The appropriate base class
header files are included.

If the C<noinit> flag was used, then no init function is generated.
Otherwise, one is generated which sets up the vtable and enters it into
the C<vtables> array.

The .c file is generated by appending the functions after the various
directives have been replaced.

=head2 PMC File Syntax

The basic syntax of a PMC file is

=over 4

=item 1.

A preamble, consisting of code to be copied directly to the .c file

=item 2.

The C<pmclass> declaration:

    pmclass PMCNAME [flags] {

where C<flags> are:

=over 4

=item C<extends PMCPARENT>

All methods not defined in PMCNAME are inherited from the PMCPARENT class.
If no parent class is defined, methods from F<default.pmc> are used.

=item C<abstract>

This class cannot be instantiated. Abstract classes are shown with lower
case class names in the class tree.

=item C<noinit>

Used with C<abstract>: No C<class_init> code is generated.

=item C<const_too>

Classes with this flag get 2 vtables and 2 enums, one pair with
read/write set methods, and one with read-only set methods.

=item C<need_ext>

The class needs a C<PMC_EXT> structure. For instance, any class using
C<PMC_data> will have C<need_ext>.

=item C<does interface>

The class 'does' the given interfaces (the collection of methods
which the class implements).

The default is "scalar". Other currently used interfaces are:

    array    : container PMC with numerically-keyed elements
    event    : PMC that can be used with event queue
    hash     : container PMC with string-keyed elements
    library  : PMC that corresponds to a dynamic library
    ref      : PMC that references another PMC
    string   : PMC that behaves similarly to the base string type
    boolean  : PMC that does true/false only.
    integer  : PMC that behaves similarly to the base int type
    float    : PMC that behaves similarly to the base number type
    scalar   : (only used by the sample src/dynpmc/foo.pmc)

This is not a canonical list, but merely a snapshot of what's in use.

=item C<dynpmc>

The class is a dynamic class. These have a special C<class_init>
routine suitable for dynamic loading at runtime. See the F<src/dynpmc>
directory for an example.

=item C<group GROUP>

The class is part of a group of interrelated PMCs that should be
compiled together into a single shared library of the given name. Only
valid for dynamic PMCs.

=item C<lib LIB>

The class needs an external library.

=item C<hll HLL>

The High level language this PMC corresponds to.

=item C<maps Type>

The basic parrot PMC type that this PMC correspond to for C<.HLL>
usage. For example:

    pmcclass TclInt hll Tcl maps Integer

allows this PMC to automatically be used when autoboxing C<I> registers to PMCs.

Requires the C<hll> flag.


=item 3.

A list of vtable method implementations

=item 4.

The final close C<}>


=head2 Method Body Substitutions

The vtable method bodies can use the following substitutions:

=over 4

=item C<SELF>

Converted to the current PMC object of type C<PMC *>.

=item C<INTERP>

Converted to the interpreter object.

=item C<OtherClass.SELF.method(a,b,c)>

Calls the static vtable method 'method' in C<OtherClass>.

=item C<SELF.method(a,b,c)>

Calls the vtable method 'method' using the static type of C<SELF> (in
other words, calls another method defined in the same file).

=item C<DYNSELF.method(a,b,c)>

Calls the vtable method 'method' using the dynamic type of C<SELF>.

=item C<DYNSELF(a,b,c)>

Same as above, but calls the current method.

=item C<OtherClass.SUPER(a,b,c)>

Calls the overridden implementation of the current method in

=item C<SUPER(a,b,c)>

Calls the overridden implementation of the current method in the nearest
superclass, using the static type of C<SELF>.

=item C<DYNSUPER(a,b,c)>

As above, but uses the actual dynamic type of C<SELF>.


=head1 AUTHOR

Leopold Toetsch.

Cleaned up by Matt Diephouse.

Many thanks to the author of F<pmc2c.pl>, many useful code pieces got


# Local Variables:
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# %opt = map { $_ => 0 } qw(nobody nolines debug verbose);

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