On Wed May 30 19:30:39 2007, jkeen <!-- x --> at verizon.net wrote:
>  [snip]

> In other words, no src/ops/.ops file currently sets VERSION in any  
> way other than by assignment from PARROT_VERSION.
> I therefore ask:  Why should we not stipulate that 'VERSION =  
> PARROT_VERSION' is the *sole* way to set VERSION in an .ops file?  In  
> that case, (a) we could eliminate the aforementioned 'if' stanza in  
> Parrot::OpsFile::read_ops() and (b) we could probably get away with  
> hard-coding 'VERSION = PARROT_VERSION' in exactly one location and  
> dispense with coding it in each of the .ops files.
> Is there any reason why we should continue to maintain the unused  
> option of coding a src/ops/.ops file with a specific 3-part version  
> number?  (I'll submit an actual patch if people agree with this.)

I would welcome comment from anyone who regularly works with the .ops files on 
questions.  Thank you very much.


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