# New Ticket Created by  Patrick R. Michaud 
# Please include the string:  [perl #43269]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=43269 >

The 'setline' opcode doesn't do what I expect it to do, which
is to associate runtime errors with lines in HLL source.

For example, suppose I have a program "foo.p6" where
lines 123 and 124 contain the statements

    $a = 9876;
    nsf($a + 1);

A HLL compiler could then generate this as something like:

    .sub anon
        setfile "foo.p6"
        setline 123
        $P0 = new .Integer
        assign $P0, 9876
        set_global '$a', $P0

        setline 124
        $P0 = get_global '$a'
        $P1 = clone $P0
        add $P1, 1

If the function 'nsf' doesn't exist, I expect get a runtime
exception of some sort that says that the error occurred on
line 124 of foo.p6.  Currently parrot reports back that
the error occurs in line 128, as in:

    Null PMC access in invoke()
    current instr.: 'anon' pc 27 (foo.p6:128)

It appears to me that setfile and setline are currently being
conflated with the PIR directive C< #line "file.ext" nnn >.
I think we need both capabilities -- one to relate PIR 
compilation errors relative to a known location in PIR source
(#line), and another to report runtime errors as a line number
in HLL source (setfile+setline).

RT #40806 has some related discussion for this.  I'm also
committing the above code as a test (currently failing).


Another possibility may be to simply deprecate setfile/setline 
altogether, and require other tools (e.g., PAST-pm) generate code
that sets global values somewhere for keeping track of the
HLL source locations.


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