James Keenan (via RT) schrieb:
# New Ticket Created by James Keenan # Please include the string: [perl #47560] # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=47560 >

Coke reported this evening that 'make realclean' was not exiting cleanly:

08:18 Coke make -C languages realcleanmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `realclean'. Stop.
08:19 Coke (from `make realclean`)

I confirmed this on Darwin which recently had been svn-updated:

make -C languages realclean
make[1]: Entering directory `/Users/jimk/work/parrot/languages'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `realclean'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/Users/jimk/work/parrot/languages'
make: *** [languages-realclean] Error 2

I called svn update in a sandbox that had not been updated since r22850 and got:

U    config/gen/makefiles/root.in
U    config/gen/makefiles/languages.in
U    languages/jako/config/makefiles/root.in
U    languages/PIR/config/makefiles/root.in
U    languages/APL/config/makefiles/root.in
The effect should go away with the next 'perl Configure.pl && svn up'.

The 'realclean' target of Makefile now depends on the new 'realclean' target
of 'languages/Makefile'. The two changes were done atomically in a single commit.
That's why I didn't expect this effect.

I assume that the root Makefile was updated by the automatically by
usr/bin/perl tools/dev/reconfigure.pl --step=gen::makefiles --target=Makefile
which didn't look for changes in 'config/gen/makefiles/languages.in'.

I'll take a brief look at reconfigure.pl .


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