
I've been doing some testing on Win32 as well, here are my current
results:  (I'm also still getting the failure I posted earlier with
t/examples/tutorial.t, so I've left it out)


System: WindowsXP
cc: Visual Studio 2005
perl: ActiveState
Parrot revision: 24034

t/pmc/scheduler..............................NOK 1#     Failed test (t/pmc/sched
uler.t at line 25)
# Exited with error code: 255
# Received:
# Expected:
# created
# 1

t/pmc/scheduler..............................NOK 2#     Failed test (t/pmc/sched
uler.t at line 54)
# Exited with error code: 255
# Received:
# Expected:
# created
# 1
# Caught exception on bad initializer
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 3.
        Test returned status 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-2
        Failed 2/3 tests, 33.33% okay

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