Patrick R.Michaud (via RT) wrote:

This ticket is asking for some convenient mechanism to have
a :method be automatically entered as a sub in the namespace.
This used to be the situation prior to the pdd15oo merge,
and I've come across some instances in perl6 and PGE where this is really needed.

We can either provide a flag to :method that means "also add
the method to the namespace", or we could let :method automatically
be placed in the namespace unless another flag (e.g., :anon) is

I'm trying to decide if the right thing to do is store the method's PMC in both locations, or change the dispatch for the call to look in both locations. So, a little more background: Is the HLL feature you're supporting here the "indirect object" syntax, where you can make a method call that looks like a subroutine call, with the object (invocant) as the first argument? Is this a general feature that applies to all Perl 6 methods? In many ways, it's more like a multi-sub with a single invocant than it is like a traditional method.

A few HLL use examples could help.


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