
the .namespace <ident> + .endnamespace directives are deprecated.
this is because initially they were meant to implement scoping, but this
didn't work out. We have .lex now to do that.

However, simple languages that don't have closures still could use it. In
fact, Jako uses it. It's a lightweight (=cheaper than .lex I think?) scope
mechanism, which prevents that language implementers must implement it

I'm not an advocate of these directives, in the sense that I'd like to
remove or keep them. I don't use them.
However, parrot's customers are language implementers (amongst others).
Providing infrastructure to do what they want is a bonus for them.

So, is the .namespace <ident> + .endnamespace pair really superfluous, and
should they be removed, or might there be some advantage in keeping them?
If not, then I'll remove them somewhere in the next few weeks.

comments welcome,

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