From: "Patrick R. Michaud via RT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 22:29:35 -0800

   On Wed Jun 20 16:23:40 2007, pmichaud wrote:
   > On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 12:08:33AM +0100, Jonathan Worthington wrote:
   > >
   > > Currently HLL debug info stuff is spec'd, but not implemented. Well, OK, 
   > > the storage of it in bytecode is spec'd, the exact PIR syntax for it 
   > > isn't. So there are two tasks: implement the underlying storage model 
   > > for this and sort out some PIR syntax for it.

Where is this specified?  In a quick scan of docs/, I only found what
seemed to be old stuff.

   . . .

   Now that the pdd15 items are completed, and we're getting a lot more
   people programming in HLLs on Parrot (NQP, perl6, more coming), it would
   be good to have this soon if possible.  Or, if it's not likely to appear
   soon, then PCT should start looking into a workaround of some sort.



I am interested in this, too.  We will also need a PIR API for
inspecting active Parrot_Context's . . .

                                        -- Bob Rogers

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