As of r26458  - configure has the readline issue:
Determining if your platform supports readline...dyld: lazy symbol binding
failed: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

dyld: Symbol not found: _rl_get_keymap
  Referenced from: /usr/share/cvs/parrot/./test
  Expected in: dynamic lookup

As to Alberto issues:
# # prove -v t/src/io.t
Cannot determine source for t/src/io.t at /System/Library/Perl/5.8.8
/App/ line 440

Seems to be gone but:
# prove -v t/examples/library.t
ok 1 - examples/library/getopt_demo.pir
ok 2 - examples/library/md5sum.pir
ok 3 # SKIP no pcre-config
not ok 4 - ncurses_life.pir # TODO ncurses_life.pir not testable yet
#   Failed (TODO) test 'ncurses_life.pir'
#   at t/examples/library.t line 77.
All tests successful.

Guess I need pcre?

Otherwise 100.01% passed!


Andy Bach
Systems Mangler
Voice: (608) 261-5738 Fax: 264-5932

"It's true that I've driven through a number of red lights. But on the
 hand, I've stopped at a lot of green ones I've never gotten credit for"
Glen Gould

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