From: "Klaas-Jan Stol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 19:37:18 +0100

   On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 2:00 PM, Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   > By popular demand, I've put my ongoing list of tasks for the concurrency
   > implementation branch on the wiki. Mark a task you start to work on with
   > your initials, so we know you're working on it:
   >  Allison

   about the removal of internal_exception: the specified ticket (in the
   list on the wiki) does not have a conclusion: no final decision seems
   to be have made on that issue.  What's more, a quick check on a few
   calls to internal_exception revealed that there's no interpreter
   argument available . . .

Yes; that's what the ticket is really about, whether it's worth
modifying callers in the few cases where it's needed, so the ticket is
really misnamed.  internal_exception itself is still needed for sanity
checking in cases where exceptions cannot work.

   A good example of this is for instance in tsq.c::queue_destroy. (line
   381) This exception indicates something's wrong with the thread-safe
   queue, which I assume is really really fatal, and should result in
   parrot exiting?


Yes.  These cases should be few (stack corruption, severe GC problems),
but they cannot be reduced to zero without removing useful sanity
checks.  In some cases, it may be a choice between an internal_exception
and a (possibly exploitable) jump into random memory.

   In any case, convertible calls to internal_exception should already
have been handled in RT#40392 (though it is possible that other
inappropriate internal_exception calls may have crept in since then).

                                        -- Bob Rogers

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