Parrot Bug Summary
Generated at Mon Apr 28 16:11:11 2008 GMT

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets



Ticket Counts: 63 new + 724 open = 787
Created this week: 23
Closed this week: 15


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
53140 PDD13PBC work: Implement write support for creating new .pbc files
53138 PDD13PBC work: test the hell out of PMC-based .pbc file write support
53136 PDD13PBC work: Convert PMC-based access code to use new on-disk format
53134 PDD13PBC work: Move everything in parrot over to the new PMC-based API
53132 PDD13PBC work: test the hell out of PMC-based readonly .pbc file access
53130 PDD13PBC work: implement readonly .pbc file access through PMC API
53120 Re: [TODO] config/auto/ Recent change needs discussion
53104 dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _parrot_i386_cmpxchg 
53100 The ** operator like in <ident> ** ',' is missing from PGE. would be a
      nice feature for writing parsers and minimizing rules
52956 [BUG] --parrot_is_shared=0 IS shared?
2 - 3 weeks old
52886 [BUG] including gmp.h causes build break in C++ build
52876 Re: [bug] Build failure with G++
52870 [PATCH] README_cygwin.pod update
3 - 4 weeks old
52396 [BUG] Test 1 of t/pmc/io.t sigbus on ppc
4 - 5 weeks old
52204 [BUG]: Parrot build failure on parisc64 GNU/Linux
5 - 6 weeks old
6 - 7 weeks old
51634 [BUG] docs/parrotbyte.pod && docs/pdds/pdd13_bytecode.pod are either
7 - 8 weeks old
8 - 9 weeks old
51350 [PATCH] correction and extension of the pair implementation
51330 [TODO] dynext - dll versioning
51206 [BUG] Tail call into PIR compiler broken?
9 - 10 weeks old
10 - 11 weeks old
50894 [BUG] parrot -O Fails Tests
11 - 12 weeks old
50642 [CAGE] refactor init_class_from_hash & parrot_class_register
12 - 13 weeks old
50500 [PROPOSAL][PAST] add PAST::Var :scope('attribute')
50448 [Memory Leak] IMCC Can Leak Lexer Data on Exception
50360 [RFE] Redesign Parrot NCI callback functionality
13 - 14 weeks old
50090 [TODO] pge - throw useful exception on non-quoted non-word characters
14 - 15 weeks old
49970 [BUG] -O1 and -O2 don't turn on -Ot as per docs
49968 [BUG] 'parrot -O2 oofib.pir' errors out, when -O1 succeeds
49966 [BUG] parrot -v -O2 segfaults, when -v and -O2 separately both work
15 - 16 weeks old
16 - 17 weeks old
49258 [BUG] Parrot::Test with --run-exec assumes "." is in $PATH
17 - 18 weeks old
49177 [TODO] pct - PAST::Val node should throw exception if :value attribute
      not set
18 - 19 weeks old
49001 [PROPOSAL][DOCS] Change word "compilation_unit" into something else (like
48877 [TODO] Don't generate .constant declarations for vtable method names.
19 - 20 weeks old
48749 [BUG] t/examples/tutorial.t if_unless failure (Win32)
48645 [CAGE] Make PMCs depend on Parrot::Pmc2c::* Modules
48507 [BUG] oo - n_add, n_sub, etc. don't work with objects
48467 [BUG] assignment of objects creates Ref instead of copy
20 - 21 weeks old
48367 [BUG] intlist_get could be dereferencing NULL
48150 [DOCS] pdd23 doesn't document obtaining thrown exception object

Overview of Open Issues

Platform            Severity          Tag                      Lang
aix        0        abandoned 0       5005threads   0          Amber    0
All        1        fatal     2       bounce        0          BASIC    0
bsdos      0        High      0       Bug          87          bc       0
cygwin     2        low       1       compiler      0          befunge  0
cygwin_nt  0        medium    0       configure     3          bf       0
darwin    10        none      1       core          2          cola     0
dec_osf    0        Normal    2       dailybuild    0          forth    0
dgux       0        unknown   0       docs          3          jako     0
dos        0        Wishlist  3       duplicate     0          Lisp     0
dynixptx   0                     install       2          lolcode  0
freebsd    8                          library       0          m4       0
generic    0                          notabug       0          ook      0
gnu        0                          notok         0          perl6    1
HPUX       2                          ok            0          plot     0
irix       0                          Patch        32          punie    0
irix64     0                          regex         2          pynie    0
Linux      3                          sendToCPAN    0          python   0
lynxos     0                          Todo        437          ruby     0
mac        0                          unknown       0          scheme   0
machten    0                          utilities     0          tcl     65
macos      0                          wontfix       0          urm      0
MacOS X    8                                              Zcode    0
mswin32    0
netbsd     1
next       0
openbsd    2
os2        0
os390      0
other      0
powerux    0
qnx        0
riscos     0
sco        0
Solaris    4
sunos      1
svr4       0
svr5       0
sysv       0
unicos     0
unicosmk   0
unix       0
unknown    0
uts        0
vms        0
VOS        0
Win32      9

Ticket Status By Version

                                    New or Open                        Resolved


Requestors with most open tickets

Paul Cochrane         334
Will Coleda            64
chromatic              31
Jerry Gay              30
Patrick R. Michaud     29
James Keenan           27
Klaas-Jan Stol         20
Bernhard Schmalhofer   17
Mark Glines            15
Matt Diephouse         14


  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

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