James Keenan via RT schrieb:

I install TAP::Harness::Archive from CPAN, then applied the patches to a
fresh checkout from trunk.  I configured, built and ran 'make
smolder_test'.  The Smolder test completed and stated that it uploaded
-- though I have a tough time matching my particular report to those at

More importantly, running the Smolder test revealed that
lib/Parrot/Harness/Smoke.pm was itself in violation of some
t/codingstd/perlcritic.t standards.

08:37 dalek : Committing Michael Peters' most recent patches for Smolder
08:37 dalek : (http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=55954).  NOTE:
08:37 dalek : lib/Parrot/Harness/Smoke.pm is failing perlcritic.t policy
re comments with
08:37 dalek : 'TODO' -- a failure I found out by running make
smolder_test itself!
08:37 dalek diff: http://www.parrotvm.org/svn/parrot/revision?rev=29572

not ok 166 - Test::Perl::Critic for

#   Failed test 'Test::Perl::Critic for
#   at t/codingstd/perlcritic.t line 69.
# # Perl::Critic found these violations in
# Flag comment 'TODO' found at
/home/jimk/work/forsmolder/lib/Parrot/Harness/Smoke.pm line 100
# Flag comment 'TODO' found at
/home/jimk/work/forsmolder/lib/Parrot/Harness/Smoke.pm line 108

I was told on #parrot that you have to replace # TODO comments by
creating RT tickets and referencing the RT instead of the TODO.

Perhaps it would be simpler to just delete these comments.  Please
advise.  Thank you very much.
I think it is a good idea to centralize all interactions with svn.
So how about using $Parrot::Revision::current or PConfig{revision} there?


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