Parrot Bug Summary
Generated at Mon Aug 25 13:00:01 2008 GMT

  * Numbers
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets



Ticket Counts: 38 new + 657 open = 695
Created this week: 19
Closed this week: 11


New Issues

New issues that have not been responded to yet

1 - 2 weeks old
58050  Segfault in "make testr" for t/compilers/imcc/syn/hll.t:2
57920  Patch suggestion for Parrot Configure test of AIO
57902  [PATCH] PLATFORMS update -- Solaris is broken
2 - 3 weeks old
57776  [BUG] PIO_buf_read segfault
57728  [TODO] avoid 2038 bug if we haven't already.
57680  [CAGE] Problems in find_write_record
57678  [CAGE] Poor Man's Deadlock Detection
57676  [CAGE] Check for shared status of STM handle
57638  [IMCC] old-style PASM registers no longer supported.
57610  [PATCH] Resumable exceptions
3 - 4 weeks old
57436  [RFC] Change .get_results to not return message, just exception
57432  [DEPRECATED] [PDD19] .HLL_map with comma
57426  [TODO] [PDD19] Implement new .HLL directive
4 - 5 weeks old
57236  [TODO] pbc_to_exe --install pbc1 [pbc2...]
5 - 6 weeks old
57120  [BUG] examples/library/ncurses_life.pir broken
57088  Tcl's [lsort] failure (aka inferior runloop problem)
56972  Error in link
6 - 7 weeks old
56782  [TODO] question in getNameForKey in Getopt::Obj
56712  [BUG] --optimize causes perl6 to segfault during make
7 - 8 weeks old
56634  [RFC] future direction for config
56622  [BUG?] 'isa' opcode returns inconsistent results
56614  [TODO] Config hash should be marked read-only
8 - 9 weeks old
56458  Failure to promote RetContinuation objects
9 - 10 weeks old
10 - 11 weeks old
11 - 12 weeks old
12 - 13 weeks old
13 - 14 weeks old
14 - 15 weeks old
54236  [TODO] Allow Parrot Hashes to have PMC keys
15 - 16 weeks old
16 - 17 weeks old
17 - 18 weeks old
18 - 19 weeks old
19 - 20 weeks old
20 - 21 weeks old

Overview of Open Issues

Platform            Severity           Tag                      Lang
aix        0        abandoned 0        5005threads   0          Amber   0
All        1        fatal     1        bounce        0          BASIC   0
bsdos      0        High      0        Bug         108          bc      0
cygwin     2        low       0        compiler      0          befunge 0
cygwin_nt  0        medium    0        configure     3          bf      0
darwin     8        none      1        core          2          cola    0
dec_osf    0        Normal    3        dailybuild    0          forth   0
dgux       0        unknown   0        docs          3          jako    0
dos        0        Wishlist  3        duplicate     0          Lisp    0
dynixptx   0                      install       2          lolcode 0
freebsd    5                           library       0          m4      0
generic    0                           notabug       0          ook     0
gnu        0                           notok         0          perl6   2
HPUX       2                           ok            0          plot    0
irix       0                           Patch        40          punie   0
irix64     0                           regex         2          pynie   0
Linux      1                           sendToCPAN    0          python  0
lynxos     0                           Todo        322          ruby    0
mac        0                           unknown       0          scheme  0
machten    0                           utilities     0          tcl     1
macos      0                           wontfix       0          urm     0
MacOS X    9                                               Zcode   0
mswin32    2
netbsd     1
next       0
openbsd    2
os2        0
os390      0
other      0
powerux    0
qnx        0
riscos     0
sco        0
Solaris    7
sunos      1
svr4       0
svr5       0
sysv       0
unicos     0
unicosmk   0
unix       0
unknown    0
uts        0
vms        0
VOS        0
Win32     10

Ticket Status By Version

                                    New or Open                        Resolved


Requestors with most open tickets

Paul Cochrane         225
Will Coleda            72
Patrick R. Michaud     32
chromatic              28
Klaas-Jan Stol         25
Jerry Gay              22
Reini Urban            16
Mark Glines            16
Bernhard Schmalhofer   16
Bob Rogers             13


  * Total Issues
  * New Issues
  * Overview of Open Issues
  * Ticket Status By Version
  * Requestors with most open tickets

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