On Fri Aug 01 06:44:05 2008, coke wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:35 PM, James Keenan via RT
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Coke:  Given the points Leo made and the fact that there has been
> > nothing from the OP in 4 years, can we close this ticket?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > kid51
> >
> Just because there's no activity or followups on a ticket doesn't mean
> the bug isn't still there. In this case, though, I can't reproduce the
> poster's original complaint about an absolute include path not
> working, ignoring the quality or state of his patch.
> We can close this ticket by adding a test that
> - creates a temporary PIR file with a simple one line :main that
> outputs something.
> - gets the absolute path of that file
> - uses another file to .include  that temporary file via the absolute
> - verifies the output
> - removes the temporary file.

This patch adds test of this functionality to
t/compilers/imcc/syn/file.t .  It passes on Linux/x86.  I'll try it on a
windows machine tomorrow and apply it over the weekend unless there any


Index: t/compilers/imcc/syn/file.t
--- t/compilers/imcc/syn/file.t	(revision 30772)
+++ t/compilers/imcc/syn/file.t	(working copy)
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 use lib qw( . lib ../lib ../../lib );
 use File::Spec;
 use Test::More;
+use Cwd qw(cwd);
 use Parrot::Config;
 use Parrot::Test tests => 13;
@@ -52,6 +53,29 @@
 unlink 'temp.pasm';
+open $FOO, '>', "temp.pasm" or die "Can't write temp.pasm\n";
+print $FOO <<'ENDF';
+  .macro_const BAR 42
+close $FOO;
+my $temp_abs_path = cwd()."/temp.pasm";
+pir_output_is( <<"CODE", <<'OUT', 'include pasm (absolute path)' );
+.sub test :main
+    say "before"
+    .include '$temp_abs_path'
+    say .BAR
+    say "after"
+    end
+unlink 'temp.pasm';
 open $FOO, '>', 'temp.pir' or die "Can't write temp.pir: $!\n";
 print $FOO <<'ENDF';
   .const int BAR = 42

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