On Thu Jan 18 12:58:49 2007, mdiep wrote:
> The example says it all.
> --
> Matt Diephouse
>    ~/Projects/parrot mdiep$ cat test.pir
>    .sub main :main
>        null $P0
>        multi($P0) # should print "Any\n"
>    .end
>    .sub multi :multi(String)
>        say "String"
>    .end
>    .sub multi :multi(_)
>        say "Any"
>    .end
>    ~/Projects/parrot mdiep$ parrot test.pir
>    Null PMC access in type()
>    current instr.: 'main' pc 10 (test.pir:4)
>    ~/Projects/parrot mdiep$ 

Added as a (passing) test in revision 31980.

Closing ticket.
Will "Coke" Coleda

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