This is an update to my last patch (which you may not see because I sent it 
from the wrong email address).  Here are my updated notes:

This patch implements the .trim() method for strings.

Problem:   I don't like the magic number '32

  not_whitespace = is_cclass 32, s, start

But I couldn't figure this out:

  $I0 = is_cclass .CCLASS_WHITESPACE, target, pos

was getting an 'unknown parrot op' or something like that (too tired to
recompile and find out the exact error message).  I can't figure out
how to get parrot to recognize that.

Many thanks to moritz++ for handholding on IRC.

Oh, there are no tests because I couldn't find any pugs tests for this :( 
What's the appropriate procedure for this?  However, all tests pass and a small 
test program passed (including calling trim() as a function).

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Attachment: trim.patch
Description: Binary data

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