On Sun Mar 18 08:23:45 2007, codermattie wrote:
> Hello,
> In the course of testing the parrot-0.4.9 release I discovered a
> number of files installed by the "reallyinstall" target that
> don't belong in an install image.
> To understand the output Configure.pl was called with:
>   --prefix=/usr ,
> and make was invoked with:
>   DESTDIR="/var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image/"
> in the output everything up to "image/" can be ignored. it's just a
> temporary install location that is copied
> over to the real install tree later.

Although we still have a 'destdir' option to tools/dev/install_files.pl,
we don't have a 'destdir' option to Configure.pl.  So I couldn't find a
way to feed something into $(DESTDIR) in the Makefile.  Instead, I
relied on the procedure I've been using in some Trac tickets:

  perl Configure.pl --prefix=/pseudoinstall

> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/include/src
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/include/src/jit_emit.h
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/include/src/string_private_cstring.h
> include/src is a strange place to drop header files. if jit_emit.h
> really needs to be installed
> then I think include/parrot , or even include/parrot/jit makes more
> sense.

Neither jit_emit.h nor string_private_cstring.h appeared under

> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/lib/pkgconfig
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/lib/pkgconfig/parrot.pc
> I am not very familiar with pkgconfig. Are these really supposed to
> install ?

This is still installed:


But it is just packaging information:


Name: parrot
Description: virtual machine to execute bytecode for interpreted languages
Version: 1.1.0
Libs: -L${libdir} -lparrot -lpthread -lm -L/usr/lib  -licuuc -licudata
 -lm -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lgmp -lreadline
Cflags: -I${includedir}

> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/src
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/src/ops
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/src/ops/core_ops_cgp.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/src/ops/core_ops_switch.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/src/nci.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/src/null_config.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/src/parrot_config.c
> This looks like a accident, some random parrot source code installed
> in /usr/src

None of the above .c files could be located under pseudoinstall/

> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/compilers
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/compilers/imcc
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/compilers/imcc/imclexer.c
> this is most likely an over-sight of some sort. compilers/ hanging off
> /usr ?

imclexer.c not found under pseudoinstall/

> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/config
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/cpu
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/cpu/i386
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/cpu/i386/memcpy_mmx.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/cpu/i386/memcpy_sse.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/generic
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/generic/stat.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/ansi
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/ansi/dl.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/ansi/time.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/darwin
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/darwin/memalign.c
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/win32
> /var/tmp/portage/dev-lang/parrot-
> 0.4.9/image//usr/config/gen/platform/win32/stat.c
> another one, config/ hanging off /usr.

In fact, no '.c' files at all were found under pseudoinstall/.

So I think all the original poster's concerns have been addressed.  I am
re-closing the ticket.

Thank you very much.

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