> perl generates the WWW page and dynamic form for WWW user, using data stored > in RDBMS. > WWW user fills form on browser >form runs a perl script on server > perl script saves input data in RDBMS > perl script logs into many other heterogeneous systems using advertised web-services, ssh, telnet etc.. > perl script fetches data, operate on it. and saves it in RDBMS > output it back to WWW user with proper presentation
this is going to be the most used scenario (of perl6) in future[in other words STDOUT=WWW, and STDIN = WWW/RDBMS/remote sys(RPC)], therefore my request is to have some basic (tested fast/secure) functionality built into the base language(interpreter itself), so that i do not have to use any modules for such activity. Of-course, there can be choice of modules of all of above and much more, but for 80% population, basic setup is enough, which means high popularity, and user-base. Too many choices in modules to do the same thing over and over again confuses new developers and slows down development. Also multiple modules doing the same thing, will overlap activities with other unrelated modules too. (But), you can not control how many modules will be written for a particular task (say for e.g. generating HTML templates). Therefore old timers and exceptional knowers of language should clearly rate modules and incorporate minimal functionality (as much as possible) into the base interpreter itself. Another wish is, base interpreter should have no diff whether used to serve documents via console/non HTTP protocol or HTTP protocol. all the best to perl6 community. thank you. rajeev