On Wednesday, June 24, 2015, yary <not....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now that I've thought about it for 90 seconds (not fully-formed idea), if
> one were to have an anonymous multi-sub, it ought to be constructed from a
> list of *signature*, *body *pairs.
> And/or, any non-finalized sub could have a method to add another *signature,
> body* to its dispatch list.
> apologies if this discussion is already captured in a design doc, I am
> posting this without having read much of the past.

 Or, in the body, be able to examine the actual signature passed in and
decide what to do based on that,  That [i]could[/i] be done using a
given/when structure, which would be equivalent to a list of signature/body

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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