I think you want: .say for reverse lines;
not sure what you are trying to achieve otherwise, but: say { } producing something like -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|170303864) … } feels entirely correct to me. :-) Liz > On 18 Sep 2016, at 21:52, Parrot Raiser <1parr...@gmail.com> wrote: > > This code: > 1 #! /home/guru/bin/perl6 > 2 > 3 # Ask for some lines and output them in reverse > 4 # Work out the appropriate EOF symbol for the OS > 5 > 6 my $EOF = "CTRL-" ~ ($*DISTRO.is-win ?? "Z" !! "D"); > 7 > 8 say "Please enter some lines and end them with $EOF"; > 9 > 10 say { for reverse lines() {} }; > 11 > 12 # End > produces this: > Please enter some lines and end them with CTRL-D # obviously from line 8 > -> ;; $_? is raw { #`(Block|170303864) ... } # but this?