On 20 Sep 2000 04:06:02 -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>Ilya Zakharevich brought up the issue of a potential problem with
>objects which use blessed list references as their internal structure,
>and their use as indices.  Given a Bignum class, which stores its
>(external) value internally as a list of integers, doing something
>my $bignum = Bignum->new(23) # stored internally as [ 2, 3 ]
>print $array[$bignum]; # should it print $array[23] or $array[[2,3]]?
>can be ambiguous.  I'm not so sure.  I think that $bignum is not
>legal, under Perl5, to be an array index, and that if it is going to
>be use so, it would need to be $array[$bugnum->value] anyway.

Hmm... the problem is, I think, that array references and ordinary
scalars are both scalars.

What would be the difference between



anyway? Aren't these just the same?

If so, why not grab back into the old box, and get the syntax for
"multidimensional hashes" in perl4?

single dimension:       $hash{$item}

2 dimensions:           $hash{$item1, $item2}

Note that because of the '$' prefix, this cannot be confused with a
narray slice:

hash slice, not multidimensionanl hash:         @hash {$item1, ītem2}

So, the similar syntax for ordinary arrays would then be:

        $array[2, 3]

not     $array[[2, 2]]

Please feel free to corrct me if I'm wrong.


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