On Sat, Aug 12, 2000 at 09:09:33PM -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:
> 1. If called as an indirect object function (in the form currently
>    proposed), steps 2-3 are skipped and the handler specified is
>    automatically invoked.

What does that mean?  When the handler is invoked, what does it see?

        $fh = open myhttp "http://www.perl.com", "fred", "barney";

Does that result in a call like this?

        myhttp::open("http://www.perl.com", "fred", "barney");

> 2. The top-level open() looks to see the file is a valid URI, namely:
>         [method] :// [resource]
>    If so, method becomes the handler, the :// is stripped, and the rest
>    is passed to the handler. 

Why strip anything?  Just pass the string to the handler verbatim.  It
would certainly seem weird to me if URI-handlers got something
different than other special-purpose handlers.

        http::open("www.perl.com", "fred", "barney");           # weird
        myhttp::open("http://www.perl.com", "fred", "barney");

> If no handler by that name has been
>    registered, undef is returned.

Where are these handlers registered?  How are they registered?  In my
mind I was thinking that we could just name our handlers as packages
so that 

        $fh = open "http://www.perl.com";               # and
        $fh = open myhttp "http://www.perl.com"; 

would cause Perl to search @INC for http.pm and myhttp.pm and auto-use

Jonathan Scott Duff

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