Bart Lateur wrote:
> >I hate it, it's miserable. Too much hidden trickery and special cases.
> Quite the countrary, I should think. Have you seen the subs
> self_or_default and self_or_CGI in the source of 

Yep, if you check out my File::Remote module I hijacked them. Thanks
again, Lincoln! :-)

This is exactly the thing we're trying to fix, so we're on the same

>         my $self = self() && shift;
> Now that is ugly.

Blech! You're right. This would be nasty. But that's not the way it
would work. :-)

Check out the RFC I just submitted on it. Basically, self() would always
return something worth using, just like $ME would have something worth
using. Nothing would be in @_:

   sub mysub {
       ($one, $two) = @_;
       print "Got one = $one, two = $two" if self->config('Debug');
   self->mysub;     # main->mysub
   print "I'm not feeling my ", self, " today.\n"  # hah!

Kinda neat, eh? Check out the RFC, I think you'll like it.


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