>    sub do_stuff {
>        my $self = self;
>        $self->{STATE}->{something} = @_;
>    }
>    sub error {
>        carp @_ if self->config('VerboseErrors');
>    }

I've never really seen anything like this before in other languages (Is that
good or bad?).  The closest is Java's odd use of the super function as the
first line of a constructor.

The first problem I see with this is in [my understanding of] how perl
handles objects currently.

func class csv;
is the same as
class->func( csv )
Which internally becomes a lookup for the proper func based on @ISA, but
ultimatly class gets unshifted onto the stack of parameters.
The only way I can see an easy way of hiding the passage of $self is by
offsetting @_ by one, making $_[ -1 ] = $self.  Which is obviously
unaddressible.  Self would simply make the internal c array-lookup to
[ -1 ].  Either this sort of space would always have to be available, or the
function itself would have to be flagged for it... As in:

sub do_stuff: method {
  my $this = self;  # I'm old fashioned, leave me alone
} # end do_stuff

All accesses to methods would then require the method function-attribute.
Otherwise self could just be an alias for shift.  In this way, you maintain
compatibility (except for those poor souls that currently use method,


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