> When I see those empty arrayrefs, I think "delegate to *no* methods in
   > those classes stored in attr3 and att4," rather than "delegate all
   > method calls to those attributes." Just in the name of greater clarity,
   > I might like to see something like URI suggested:
   >   attr3 => [ALL]

It was (and is) a good suggestion. I suspect however that it should be

     attr3 => [__ALL__]

so that classes can still have an C<ALL> method delegated.
(Yes, now they can't have an C<__ALL__> method,
 but maybe that's a Good Thing ;-)

   > Or perhaps (to borrow from SQL and to ignore the question of typeglobs
   > for the moment):
   >   attr3 => [*]

Read my lips: No New Syntax!


   > This way, I know that an empty arrayref means "all methods" rather than
   > "none."

Kinda redundant since that's the default behaviour, but perhaps useful as
a documentation mechanism.


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