On Sun, Sep 17, 2000 at 05:41:57AM -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
>. Some criticized it as being too sugary, since this:
>    $string =~ quotemeta;    # $string = quotemeta $string;
> Is not as clear as the original. However, there is fairly similar
> precedent in:
>    $x += 5;                 # $x = $x + 5;

Looks great on scalars, but...

    @foo =~ shift;   # @foo = $foo[0]  ?
    @foo =~ unshift; # @foo = $foo[-1] ?

Although I have to admit I like:

    @foo =~ grep !/\S/;

But I'm not very keen on the idea of

    %foo =~ keys;
A formal parsing algorithm should not always be used.
                -- D. Gries

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