During -internals discussions, we seem to have come up with, that the
flattenting will not be required by the implementation. (It might actually
be a win.)

All arrays/lists would be actually have a single reference on the data
stack. For backwards compatiblity, @_ would iterate of all arguments.

But if a perl user level mechanism were made available then a routine
that wishes to access the original unadulterated arguments would
have it available.


>>>>> "PRL" == Perl6 RFC Librarian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

PRL> Subroutines may be called with multiple values.  Lvalue subroutines
PRL> may be assigned multiple values.  Simple passing on the argument
PRL> list conflates the two:

PRL>   foo(@args) = @rvalues;

PRL> would be identical to:

PRL>   foo(@args, @rvalues);

PRL> Perl's list flattening would prevent the subroutine from knowing where
PRL> one began and the other ended.  Better would be if the rvalue were
PRL> passed as a last or first argument, making it equivalent to:

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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