>>>>> "NW" == Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

NW> Can be called as any of these forms by default:

NW>    $old = assign($var, $val);
NW>    $old = assign($var) = $val;
NW>    $old = assign = $var, $val;

NW> Make sense? This RFC doesn't address true lvalue subs, rather that
NW> rvalue subs should be able to be used in an lvalue assignment context by
NW> default. It is a limited but valuable syntactical tool.

I don't think that the assigned values should be moved by perl into
the argument list. 

By limiting it to only the programmer specified arguments, you reduce
complexity with no loss of generality.

You are reintroducing another version of the list flattening problem.
"Where do the arguments belong"


I don't think we want to go there. One of the thoughts currently on
-internals is that the original lists/arrays would be maintained on
the stack so that it would be easier to split them for the
named/positional arguments.

Larry may also allow

        (@foo, @bar) = (@bar, @foo)

to work as most would expect.

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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