Edwin Steiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> In my opinion Perl lacks (at least partially) some features which
> I consider important for scripting languages:
> * elimination of pointers (If I want to spend my time considering how
> many dereference operators to use I'll go for ***C++).
> I'm aware, however, that switching from variable assignment to
> name binding (like in Python or Scheme) is a very fundamental change
> and therefore not an issue for perl6 (or is it?).

Please ghod no. There was once a perl without pointers, and it was
perl < 5. And I'd walk a very long way barefoot over broken glass
before I went back to programming in perl 4 now we have perl 5.

> * no need to declare variables: I think variables should be
> lexically scoped by default, without having to think about and write
> all those 'my's.

I'd like to see that as a pragma:

    no need_for_my

Et voila, all variables are lexical by default, and you run the risk
of typoing. But -w should spot that for you.

> * convenient handling of structured data/records/objects with 
>   attributes: I'm referring to what you can do (for example) with
>   Python instances: foo.member = bar
>   I guess I'm not the only one who prefers this to
>   $$foo{'member'} = $bar (which of course has nothing to do
>   with $foo{'member'} = $bar).

Personally I like $foo->{member}, it's explicit and it does what you
need. Again, this is merely personal, but I find the
object.with.lots.of.dots = "Bloody annoying" style to be, well, bloody


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