=head1 TITLE

Lexical variables made default

=head1 VERSION

 Maintainer: J. David Blackstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Date: 1 August 2000
 Version: 2
 Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Number: 6


Prior to version 5, all implementations of Perl were designed with
only dynamic (global) variables in mind.  Perl5 provided lexical
variables in a backward compatible way, along with a pragma to force
either declaration of variables or import of dynamic variables.  Perl6
should make lexical variables and required variable declarations the default.


Dynamically-scoped variables can have many effects which are
counterintuitive and undesirable.  In Perl5, lexically-scoped
variables are available with the C<my> operator.  Without C<my>, a
variable is assumed to be dynamic.

Perl5 provides the C<strict> pragma, which forces the programmer to do
one of three things: 1) declare a variable to be lexical with C<my>;
2) declare a variable to be dynamic with C<our>; 3) import a dynamic
variable from another namespace with C<vars> or otherwise.  This
forced declaration of variables is generally desirable as good
programming practice, although the ability does exist to turn off the
pragma when necessary.

There are very few circumstances in which dynamic variables have a
distinct advantage over lexicals.  Most modules in the standard
library are deliberately written with C<strict 'vars'> to avoid
interfering with other modules or the application programmer's code. 
More recent and enlightened documentation and educational material
teaches the use of lexical variables as preferred.

In Perl6, the concept of C<strict 'vars'> should on by default.  Every
variable should be declared either as lexical with C<my> or dynamic
with C<our>.  New Perl6 programmers should be immediately introduced
to lexical scoping and its benefits.  The ability to disable the
strictness should be retained through C<no strict 'vars';> or an
equivalent, for "quick-and-dirty" programs, backward compatibility,
and where otherwise necessary or desired by those who Know What They
Are Doing.

This RFC is not suggesting that any of the other features of the
C<strict> pragma be on by default (such as C<'refs'> or C<'subs'>). 
If that is desired, it should be submitted in a separate RFC.

The C<local> operator is misnamed, since it operates on dynamic
(global) variables.  This operator should be removed or renamed, but
this should be the subject of a separate RFC.


I don't know enough about internals to say anything about
implementation from that standpoint.

The following program examples show how declarations would work.

 my $name = "J. David";   # lexical variable
 our($VERSION) = 5.31;    # dynamic variable in current package
 $this *= 7;              # illegal; variables must be
                          # declared lexical or dynamic
 my($arg1, $arg2) = @_;   # lexical (traditional for a subroutine)
  no strict 'vars';       # or something new
  $quick = 7;             # legal in this scope =
                          # dynamic variable in current package  
  $quick *= $main::var;
  print "$quick\n";
 $package::count++;       # always legal (I presume?)

=head2 Alternative

Although the implementation above is currently considered to be the
best, an alternative would allow undeclared lexical variables.  In
this approach, C<strict 'vars'> would become C<strict 'decs'>,
requiring declaration of all variables.  Without C<strict 'decs'>,
undeclared variables would be considered to be lexical, or variables
could be declared dynamic with C<our> or some other syntax.

This approach would require more complexity in Perl5 -> Perl6
translation and be a much larger step in a new direction for the
language.  Since the state-of-the-practice of Perl5 programming has
evolved to generally include C<strict 'vars'>, it makes more sense to
simply make that the default than to modify the language any further.


The section on "Private Variables via my()" in the perlsub manpage.

The Camel book.

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