I was having a think about the volume of discussion on -language and
whether it's workable.  From my point of view, I'd prefer that it was
about half as busy, maybe even less.  Fifty posts a day I could easily
cope with and spend time thinking about; a hundred and fifty, or two
hundred and fifty, and I start to get swamped and can't keep my
attention on stuff.

So.  I have a personal, self-centred, greedy, egotistical goal of
getting -language down to fifty posts a day. 

What do people think of this?

The sublists are still young (I don't see any posts in the -strict
archive yet, for instance) and have yet to be proven.  The -mlc list has
only half a dozen posts, and my feeling on that is that I should have
probably have shifted it sooner so that the full weight of the
discussion didn't happen on -language.

I basically have a choice between being extremely trigger happy
(inventing a bunch of sublists and trying to avoid any discussion of
those topics on -language) or waiting until discussion is already
starting to get unmanageable on the main -language list.  It's a hard
line to walk, but I think perhaps I will try and be a tad more
trigger-happy, er, I mean pro-active.

On that note, you'll see a couple of sublist proposals in a minute or
two.  Please respond on-list if you have any detailed thougths, or 
out of band to if you have a simple aye nor nay; if I get a bunch of 
"do it" email, I will get pro-active and set them up.

Yes Simon, you may now shoot me for having used both "pro-active" and
"deliverables" in relation to Perl :)


Kirrily Robert -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- http://netizen.com.au/
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