On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 07:03:42AM -0400, Grant M. wrote:
> Just trying to catch up. This is where I understand the discussion
> stands:
>     modular language:
>        Scanner/Symbol Table/Parser/Executor


>        Standard Functions separate from core (moving to language?)

Some of each.

>        Modules Separate from everything (definitely language)


>     Strict(er) DataTypes:
>        Automatic Type Conversion(?) (internal or language?)
>        Native Size Allocation (Internal or language?)

Language for now.

>     Items still under general discussion:
>        Formats (probably language if it stays)
>        Garbage Collection (internals?)
>        RegEx (internals?)

Yes, Yes, Yes.

>        localtime() (arrays start at 0 or 1) (language)


>        Backward compatibility in general (who knows)

Script Backward compatibility = language.
XS Backward compatibility = here (later) if someone volunteers to write
the code to make old XS code work with the new APIs.

> If someone could just tell me where these discussions go
> (as many aren't really defined yet) I would be grateful. Also,

I'd say "if in doubt then it's not for perl6-internals, at least not
for now".

I'd also say there's not much point at the moment in discussing details
of implementing features that we're not pretty sure will be in the

I think there's _lot's_ of valuable work we can do here we can
do here prior to the language being firmed up.

If we start getting into details of other things we won't make progress
on the basics, like vtable interfaces for SV and libraries, analysis of
GC implementations etc.

We need to be pretty sure of most of those kind of issues by the time
the language gets firmed up.


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