On 7 Aug 2000 16:06:44 -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>This RFC contains two proposed changes.  First, as it is common to want to 
>removed newlines upon reading a file, 
>  while (chomp(<FILEHANDLE>)) {
>    . . .
>  }
>should become the equivalent of
>  while (<FILEHANDLE>) {
>    chomp;
>    . . .
>  }


>C<chomp()> called in a scalar context would leave its argument variable
>untouched and instead return a C<chomp()>ed version of that variable's

These two contradict each other. If the latter is realized, the while
loop of the former ought to be exited at the first empty line, or where
it contains just a zero (and an optional newline).


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