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=head1 TITLE 

Objects should have builtin stringifying STRING method

=head1 VERSION

   Maintainer: Nathan Wiger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: 06 Aug 2000
   Version: 2
   Status: Developing
   Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Number: 48


Currently, $ single-whatzitz types in Perl can hold several different
things. One of the things that these are commonly used to hold are
objects, such as:

   $q = new CGI;
   $r = Apache->request;

Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell these are actually objects
without lots of annoying ref checks throughout your code. So if you say:

   print "$q";

This prints out something like this:


Which isn't very useful. This RFC attempts to fix this by providing
builtin special method C<STRING> which is automatically called when an
object is "stringified".


Currently, there is no way to easily distinguish between these two

   $scalar  =  date;     # scalar ctime date, same as localtime()
   $object  =  date;     # date object with accessor functions

As such, there is no easy way to have the C<date()> function return both
- it must decide what to return within the general scalar context.
Damian's excellent RFC 21 on C<want()> addresses several specific cases,
several have suggested alternate syntaxes, such as:

   my Date $object = date;   # return object of class 'Date'
   my tm $object = date;     # return object of struct 'tm'

However, this doesn't solve the problem, since printing out either of
these in a scalar context still results in "garbage".

I suggest that objects provide a default method called C<STRING> that
determines what they produce in a string context. When stringified, an
object would automatically call its C<STRING> function and return the
correct value. For example, RFC 48 describes a new C<date()> interface.
In a scalar context, it could produce a date object always:

   $date = date;

However, when you went to do anything with it in a string context, it
would call the appropriate method:

   print "$date";     # calls $date->STRING, which in this case would
                      # print out a ctime formatted date string

The call to C<$object->STRING> would be a decision made by Perl, similar
to the way that C<tie()> works. The object simply has to provide the
method; Perl does the rest.

This gives us several other really neat side effects. First, we can now
return a list of objects and have them act the same as a "regular old

   (@objects) = Class->new;

Since, in a stringifying context, each of these objects would call their
C<STRING> methods:

   print "@objects";   # calls $objects[0]->STRING, $objects[1]->STRING,
                       # and so on for the whole array, thus making it
                       # look like a plain old list

As such, we no longer have to distinguish between objects and "true"
scalars. Objects are automatically converted when appropriate. 


All core objects should be modified to include a C<STRING> function.
This function may just be a typeglob pointing to another function, or it
may be an actual separate function.

Hooks will have to be put in Perl's string context so that if something
is an object, then that object's C<STRING> method is called
automatically. If no C<STRING> method is defined, then it should simply
return undef (instead of printing out the ref/class info). If people
want to see the ref info, they can still type:

   print $object;

since this is not a string context. However,

   print "$object";

should always return something that's worth seeing, even if that's


RFC 21: Replace wantarray with a generic want function 
RFC 48: Replace localtime() and gmtime() with date()
Lots of people on perl6-language for great input, thanks!

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