Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and "Jeremy Howard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> whispered:
| > > No, neither proposal makes sense. Arrays can be stored compactly and
| >
| > $a[1_000_000_000] = 'oh, really?' # :-)
| >
|   my int @a: sparse;
|   $a[1_000_000_000] = 'Yes, really!' # :P
| OK, so I cheated... I haven't submitted my RFC for a 'sparse' attribute yet.
| My point is that arrays *can* be stored compactly, not that they always
| *are*. Another type of array storage is that required for lazily generated

Isn't this just as true, maybe even moreso for hashes?  How much storage is
taken up by

$a{1_000_000_000} = "Sparse, without any special code!";


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