On Wed, Aug 16, 2000 at 10:24:09AM -0400, Karl Glazebrook wrote:
> It was the response which was blithe, it just re-iterated arguments we
> are all completely familar with and did not address my point in the RFC.

Then perhaps we need to agree to disagree.  I feel that a number of
people have addressed your points.

> and this is supposed to be good?
> presumably snrub() has a first line like my($apples, $oranges, $price)=@_
> and it would be far clearer to call it that way.

What makes you presume this?  Perhaps snrub() is something like this:

  sub snrub {
    foreach (@_) {
      frobnicate $_;

You appear to arguing that expressions in function argument lists should
not be evaluated in a list context.  Is this really what you mean?

> > Perhaps we should remove context?  Sure, you won't be able to test
> > for @a == 5 any more, but we can just rewrite that as $a->length == 5.
> > At this point, there isn't much need for the $, though, so we
> > can just say a->length == 5.  That -> is ugly, though; maybe we can
> > turn it into a . like the rest of the world, at which point we're
> > every bit as good as Python!
> Python is really nice and we should endeavour to learn why a lot of people
> like it so much rather than telling them 'good riddance'. 

Certainly, we should steal whatever nice features it has that Perl lacks.
Perl should never try to BE Python, though; the world already has Python.
We don't need another Python, we need a better Perl.

One of the fundamental concepts in Perl is context.  Would you care to
address the point of what happens to context when you remove @ and %

                        - Damien

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