Larry Wall wrote:
> Oh, gee, where's your sense of history?  (As in creating our own. :-)
> Maybe we should invent our own epoch, like the year 2000.  Or use a
> really standard one, like the year 0 AD (aka 1 BC).

I don't know about this. Sounds cool, but I think we should stick to
something that somebody somewhere uses already. Of course, something
standard like 0 AD isn't bad.

> I have this horror that people will still be using 1970 as the epoch in
> the year 31,536.

Yeah, but by then we'll be on Perl 203.4.2 and it'll be our children's
children's children's children's issue (assuming Perl and computers are
still around even).

Plus, at least the difference between the UNIX epoch and 31,536 is 1970
less than the difference between 0 AD and 31,536. (For those counting
bits.) :-)


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