Tim Jenness <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 14 Aug 2000, Russ Allbery wrote:

>> Day resolution is insufficient for most purposes in all the Perl
>> scripts I've worked on.  I practically never need sub-second precision;
>> I almost always need precision better than one day.

> MJD allows fractional days (otherwise it would of course be useless).

> As I write this the MJD is 51771.20833

Floating point?  Or is the proposal to use fixed-point adjusted by some
constant multiplier?  (Floating point is a bad idea, IMO; it has some
nasty arithmetic properties, the main one being that the concept of
incrementing by some small amout is somewhat ill-defined.)

> At some level time() will have to be changed to support fractions of a
> second and this may break current code that uses time() explicitly
> rather than passing it straight to localtime() and gmtime().


I guess I don't really care what we use for an epoch for our sub-second
interface; I just don't see MJD as obviously better or more portable.  I'd
actually be tentatively in favor taking *all* of the time stuff and
removing it from the core, under the modularity principal, but I don't
have a firm enough grasp of where the internals use time to be sure that's
a wise idea.

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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