--On 23.08.2000 17:26 Uhr -0700 Glenn Linderman wrote:

> Thanks for reminding me of this, Bart, if RFC 88 co-opts die for non-fatal
> errors, people that want to write fatal errors can switch to using "warn
> ...; exit ( 250 );" instead of "die ...;" like they do today.  [Tongue
> firmly planted on cheek.]

I can only hope this is pure irony...

There is no such thing as an ultimately fatal error - it should always be 
up  to the user of a module wether the program should die, but I guess you 
see that the same and will answer me with "use eval" then ;-)

and from another mail:

> While nothing in RFC 88 precludes die and throw from sharing the same
> underlying code, or similarly catch/eval, doing so isn't a good idea: it
> forces people that want to use exceptions for non-fatal error handling to
> suddenly have to also handle fatal errors as well.

In which way are they forced? You simply need not catch the fatal 

try {
catch ! $@->fatal => { ... }

That might be a bit longer to type than eval {   }; do_stuff_with($@) but I
think consistency in handling is more important here.

and another mail:

> Once a (more appropriate than die) non-fatal throw/catch mechanism exists,
> the use of die for non-fatal exceptions would hopefully wither away over
> time... and if not, appropriate wrappers could be written.

I don't see why I should want that - sure, that's a way to cope with a 
distinction between die and throw but without the distinction we simply do 
not have the problem. And I definitely do NOT want to have a dozen wrapper 
modules or whatever till that usage withered away in CPAN in 95% of the 
modules after 1 year.

Markus Peter - SPiN GmbH

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