Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
> arsenal.  The constructs are:
>         $ref->[[LIST]]
>         $ref->{{LIST}}
> The proposed respective meanings:
>         $ref->[$elem[0]]->[$elem[1]}->[...]->[$elem[-1]]
>         $ref->{$elem[0]}->{$elem[1]}->{...}->{$elem[-1]}

why not just use single braces for simplcity, and break
code that expects $container{@fred} to return $container{4}?  There
can't be that much of it.

Buddha Buck wrote:
> > The array
> > syntax would also be useful in multi-dimensional arrays.
> That is if multi-dimensional arrays are implemented as lists-of-lists, 
> which they might not be.

Even if they aren't implemented as lol, they may appear as lol to the programmer

                          David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"My baby done left me,
she done went to the drive-in movies with somebody else."

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