Today around 4:30pm, Tom Christiansen hammered out this masterpiece:

:           print <<FOO =~ /^\s+(.*\n)/g;

According to current implementation, that has to look like:

           print <<"          FOO" =~ /^\s+(.*\n)/gm;

Unless, of course, you want `xx oo' to be indented still, and the blank line to 
remain.  That requires more thought.

          print <<"          FOO" =~ m/[\r\f\t ]*(.*\n)/mg;

Will preserve the empty line but not the indentation.

I can't, without more thought, preserve the indentation within this syntax
style.  I'd have to break it's scope and have two passes on the data.

:                   Attention, dropsied weasel, we are
:                   launching our team of legal beagles
:                   straight for your scrofulous crotch.
:                           xx oo
:           FOO
: you mean?


print(join(' ', qw(Casey R. Tweten)));my $sig={mail=>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]',site=>
''};print "\n",'.'x(length($sig->{site})+6),"\n";
print map{$_.': '.$sig->{$_}."\n"}sort{$sig->{$a}cmp$sig->{$b}}keys%{$sig};
my $VERSION = '0.01'; #'patched' by Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit at MIT dot EDU>

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