> You talked about Good Typing at YAPC, but I missed it.  There's a
> discussion of typing on perl6-language.  Do you have notes or a
> redux of your talk available to inform this debate?


Executive summary of the talk:

1. Type checking in C and Pascal sucks.

2. Just because static type checking is a failure in C and Pascal
   doesn't mean you have to give up on the idea.

3. Languages like ML have powerful compile-time type checking that is
   successful beyond the wildest imaginings of people who suffered
   from Pascal.

4. It is probably impossible to get static, ML-like type checking into
   Perl without altering it beyond recognition.

5. However, Perl does have some type checking mechanisms, and more are
   coming up.

Maybe I should also mention that last week I had a dream in which I
had a brilliant idea for adding strong compile-time type checking to
Perl, but when I woke up I realized it wasn't going to work.

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