Apologies if these comments have already been noted... 

>   my $PI : constant = 3.1415926;
>   my @FIB : constant = (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21);
>   my %ENG_ERRORS : constant = (E_UNDEF=>'undefined', E_FAILED=>'failed');
> Constants can be lexically or globally scoped (or any other new scoping
> level yet to be defined).

Just curious about how the use of 'my' and 'local' would be brought into
this. Assume for the moment you don't use strict vars in a script (why 
you wouldn't, I don't know, but some people don't...) Would that 
mean that:

$notusingstrict : constant = 1.2345;

would be legal? Personally, I would prefer to enfore the use of 
strict vars for constants, as it is then obvious as to the scope... 

But then again, I'd also prefer use strict to be the default... ;-) 

Also, presumably the following:

        my $notconstant = 1.2345;
        my $const : constant = $notconstant;

would cause $const == 1.2345 and remain constant at that value... 


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