> > =head1 TITLE
> >
> > Common attribute system to allow user-defined, extensible attributes
> Err... have you read perldoc attributes? There's already a mechanism
> for doing this (see my japh), though it is a complete PITA to use and
> I'd like to see it tidied up (and possibly have attributes.pm
> reimplemented, I've got a few ideas, bear with me I may have code
> later that does what you want...)
> --
> Piers
> sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES {print "@_[2..$#_].\n";()}
> sub MODIFY_CODE_ATTRIBUTES : Just another Perl hacker

Yeah, I've gotta start clarifying my RFC's. I wrote that as a
brainstorm; with 40 to keep track of my head is spinning.

I have seen 'use attributes'. The syntax I used in the RFC was
intentionally not following 'use attributes' because I was dealing with
implementation, not declaration. And by implementation, I mean messing
with internals.

I mentioned it in an email, but neglected to say so here, but the idea
was through XS or Inline or whatever is used to extend Perl 6, there
should be some way of declaring inheritable attributes that can actually
mess with Perl's internals and twist them into obscene "we wish we were
Java" semantics.

Beyond that, I don't have much concrete. Code that could do this would
obviously be cool. ;-)


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