On 25 Sep 2000 06:01:57 -0000, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:

>Perl6 should be *easier* to write CGI programs than Perl5.

>To make CGI programming easier, this option/pragma should:
>Parse the CGI context, returning CGI variables into %CGI

I like that one.

>Not take up gobs of memory

That too.

>All of the other features offered by Lincoln Stein's CGI.pm should remain,
>but should not be deeply integrated into Perl6.

Eek, no! I don't want no steenking p() functions etc. to generate HTML
on the fly! That is one feature I never ever use. It also conflicts with
the remark about memory usage. Plus, do we need a new Perl upgrade every
time a new HTML tag comes out? I think not. Keep HTML tags out of Perl.
If people want it, they can use an easiliy updateble module.

CGI::Minimal would be more like it.


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