On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 09:21:51AM -0700, Glenn Linderman wrote:
> Indeed, this is the key problem with human use of XML.  HTML was originally
> simple enough to be human writable, its later, more powerful incarnations
> start losing that (but you can always use a subset for simple things, and
> XML never had human writable simplicity and never will.

XML is intrinsically no more or less difficult to write than HTML.
Comparing XML to HTML is pointless, however; they are not the same
thing.  Rather, compare XML to SGML, and specific XML DTDs (XHTML,
for example) to HTML.

XHTML is certainly no more difficult to write than plain HTML.  The
only real difference is that tags like <hr> become <hr/> -- hardly
a major difference.  Indeed, I would consider the XHTML version to
be a bit simpler to understand.

                        - Damien

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